Getting Ready!
I've been telling everyone that I would do a travel blog when I start my USA road trip in early 2023, but I'm starting my travels before that with a trip to Iceland and Norway in September. So, I decided it's time to figure out how to do this.
I tried WordPress and gave up in disgust. I'm pretty smart and tech-savvy, but what a pain that site was (for me, anyway). So, I'm on Wix now, which is much more intuitive. I've still got a lot to figure out, but I'm making progress. And there are all these blank slots on my page, waiting for blog posts—time to start filling them!
I'm retiring from Virginia Tech on September 1st, and heading to Iceland on September 4th. I did the stopover thing with IcelandAir, and I'm stopping over both coming and going! In between, I'll be in Norway for 2 weeks.
In Iceland, I'll have a campervan for both visits. I've got some ideas of places to go and things to do, but it's all very fluid. I probably won't make any final decisions until I get there. Weather will certainly play a role—if it's stormy in the south, I'll go north, and vice versa.
In Norway I'll be staying with family friends in Bergen. I do plan to rent a car (or another campervan) to drive north for part of the time.
So, here's a start. We'll have to wait and see how it goes from here—I'm going to try to post regularly.
