From two left boots to a waterfall
Updated: Jan 26, 2023
I arrived at the Raleigh airport yesterday, and discovered that instead of bringing my new fancy waterproof hiking boots, I'd brought one hiking boot and one work boot. I couldn't even make do, as they were both left boots! Oh, well. The flight was fine, but only 6 hours in all—not much time for sleep. Watching the sunrise light the plane was nice though.
After I arrived and picked up my camper van, my first stop was Icewear. Voila! New boots! (ETA: I've since spent a fair amount more at Icewear.)

After breakfast at the Laundromat Cafe, I hit the road. I visited a lighthouse that is in Reykjavik and saw some new birds.

I spent the rest of the day driving the Golden Circle, and that's where I'm camped tonight. It sort of surprised me, as the terrain is not unlike parts of the US (Wyoming jumps to mind), but, of course, there's a lot more volcanic rock here. And then all sorts of amazing water (not like anything in the US).

So, I'm settled into the camper van for the night. Isn't it cute? Tomorrow will bring snorkeling in 36-39˚F water where the tectonic plates meet, and then I'll head west along the southern coast. Oh, and the weather today was absolutely amazing. I think it had to be 70˚F and the sky was so blue!

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